Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan - Current

The Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) on 14th December 2022, and sits alongside MDDC Local Plan as part of the National Planning Policy Framework. It remains in force until further notice.

Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan (TNP)

Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan Members Guide

Neighbourhood Plan - Archived Files

The original website at was closed and archived to this website in January 2023.

Here are all the key documents used in the development of the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan:

What is the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Plan Overview

Purpose of Neighbourhood Plans and their Context

Design Guidance


The Referendum Result 18 Nov 2022

The result was over 80% in favour of adopting The Plan on a 12% turnout. The formal results can be found here.

The Plan was Adopted at the Mid Devon District Council meeting on 14 Dec 2022.

The TNP Referendum and Examination Documents and TNP Regulation 16 Supporting Documents are listed below.

A flyer was sent to all addresses in Tiverton Parish in early November.

The Latest Bulletin summarising what is in The Plan is here.

The above content was updated on 9th January 2023

What is the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan?

Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan sets out to ensure that Tiverton is a sustainable community and that all future developments meet government legislation regarding emissions, passivity and carbon neutrality. The Plan is being subjected to scrutiny to test its sustainability, in part by using the One Planet guidelines.

To ensure that the plan has its proper roots in local history and economy The Plan reviews the relevant history and seeks to analyse economic, social and population needs. It identifies opportunities and challenges for the Tiverton community and express these through a Vision for Tiverton.

The Neighbourhood Plan pays due regard to the size of the town and proportionate development and considers housing needs and affordable and social housing. It seeks to ensure that the character of any new development will reflect Tiverton’s architectural heritage while being energy efficient and economical to live in.

The Plan aims to aid the protection of Tiverton’s conservation areas, listed buildings and structures of historical interest. It also aims to protect valued green spaces, significant views, sporting facilities, allotments and growing areas, and cultural sites.

The Plan seeks to provide safe and sustainable routes around the parish for cyclists and pedestrians and ensure easy access. This will include access to the Canal Basin, Knightshayes Court and other historic sites in the town. It seeks to provide opportunities for the continued occupation of commercial premises in the town centre, maintaining Tiverton as a retail centre while protecting and enhancing the public realm.

The Plan also recommends non-policy actions, like reducing speed limits in the town centre, as items are suggested by local people.

What have we worked on:

  • In the long term how do we maintain a good retail town centre?

  • How will we be travelling in twenty years’ time – will we need more car parks or electric charging stations?

  • What can we plan for to make Tiverton a town people want to visit?

  • What sort of housing, where and how much, will we need in twenty years’ time?

  • How best can we ensure housing is good to live in, easily accessible and carbon neutral?

  • How do we link our heritage and tourism for the benefit of the town?

  • How much land should be reserved for commercial and industrial development to grow Tiverton’s prosperity?

  • How much open space should we plan for? And how much allotment space will we need with gardens decreasing in size?

The key objectives of the Focus Groups were:

  • Housing

  • Highways and Transportation

  • Tourism

  • Retail and Business

  • Recreation and Open Spaces

Focus Groups’ Remit

The Neighbourhood Plan will set out the policies against which planning applications will be judged in Tiverton parish. It does not replace the Mid-Devon district policies, rather it should complement them and add more detail. The sorts of planning applications that may be relevant range from small changes to existing properties to large developments and substantive changes that could have long term effects on the whole community.We have an opportunity to consider what we would like Tiverton to be like in the medium to long term, and how to achieve that:

  • Understanding what is needed locally and how we might help to contribute to that.

  • The types of development most needed in the parish.

  • Where any development might be best placed geographically.

  • How to secure and ensure the economic future of Tiverton as a thriving place in which to live and work.

Focus Groups’ Policy Areas

The main consultation and work for the The Plan was done through five focus groups. Each had a defined task:

  • Housing.

  • Tourism.

  • Commerce, retail and employment.

  • Highways and transportation.

  • Recreation, facilities and open spaces.

The purpose of each Focus Group was to assist the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee in the preparation of the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan. Focus Groups have addressed particular aspects of the designated Neighbourhood Plan Area and assessed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, thus contributing to the strategic vision for the The Plan.Each Focus Group had the following threads in considering any aspect:

  • Wellbeing and healthy living.

  • Heritage and conservation.

  • Environment and sustainability.

  • Accessibility.

Focus Group’s Objectives


Housing needs over the 20 years, carbon neutrality, accessible affordability, mix and styles, densities, relevant sittings, land banking, HMO. Housing developments in outlying communities.

Highways and Transportation:

Public transport, local bus services, parking, cycling, cycle paths, footpaths, rights of way, speed controls, public transport hub, signage, access to historic sites, signage from M5.Tourism:Communal promotion, overnight camping provision, signage, footpaths, parking, listed buildings, heritage sites.

Retail and Business:

Town centre premises, West Exe shopping premises, access and pedestrian streets, travel hub, signage, Town Centre Plan for Pannier Market area, developing trading opportunities.

Recreation and Open Spaces:

Conservation areas, historic sites, sports and recreation facilities, listed buildings, community space, allotments, heritage sites.

Neighbourhood Plan Overview

The Plan’s Vision

Tiverton currently has a population of approximately 21,000 people. This is set to grow with new developments already under way and on the horizon, including the Eastern Urban Extension. The Neighbourhood Plan gives the Tiverton community an opportunity to have a greater say in how the town evolves in the future. Development cannot be stopped, but we can help to shape it and make sure we get the most out of it for our residents.

The Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan will guide planning policy and land use across the whole parish up to 2033.

Sitting alongside the Mid Devon Local Plan and the emerging Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, it will provide guidance at a much more local level.

We are proposing the following long-term vision for Tiverton:

It’s 2033, and the target of net zero carbon emissions set by Tiverton Town Council in 2019 has been achieved, with changes to transport, new building, energy production and efficiency, and agriculture.

Tiverton is a great place to live, set in beautiful countryside and with access to excellent employment opportunities, schools, shops, amenities and transport links. The rural part of the parish retains scattered hamlets among highly productive areas supplying produce locally.

Frequent electric buses run from all parts of the parish to the centre, and to Parkway station and Exeter, and soon driverless taxis will be in place, summoned by an app. Charging points for vehicles (including e-bikes) are widely available.

There are easy off-road cycle and separate pedestrian routes into and around the town, with undercover cycle storage in the town centre, at the bus station and station, and key bus-stops. There are safe cycling routes into Exeter along the Exe Valley, and to the station. There is one parcel delivery service, using electric vehicles or drones. Mobile and fast broadband connectivity are universal.

A network of local shops ensures that people don’t have to drive to buy food and household items.

The town centre is thriving, with vital services such as banks and pharmacies, but also many innovative independent shops and businesses, which together with a lively café culture make visiting the centre a real pleasure. Jewel in the crown is the pannier market, and the centre of the town hosts community events and celebrations. Most of the old town centre buildings have been renovated, with more people living above shops, so that the centre remains a safe and living place in the evening.

New homes are designed in keeping with the local character, and built by low carbon, minimal waste methods, with sustainable heating and waste-water treatment. They range in size and tenure, with a significant proportion affordable by local people, accessible for wheelchairs, with space for homeworking and adequate storage, including for bicycles, buggies and recycling. There are green spaces for play and community growing, carbon capture and flood alleviation.

Existing homes, including those owned by the Council, have high standards of insulation and have been retrofitted with sustainable heating sources and other energy saving features.

Opportunities for employment have expanded in Tiverton, which has small starter business units, high quality light industrial and office premises and a well-educated population. Homes and energy are produced by private, public and community owned organisations. Heathcoat remains an international innovator.

Many farms in the parish have adopted more sustainable methods of mixed farming, including an increase in growing for local markets. There are more community growing areas, both within and outside the town, building on the strong allotment heritage. Green corridors have been enhanced through the town, and areas both within and around have been carefully rewilded.

Tiverton celebrates its roots by protecting its built heritage and iconic views over the surrounding countryside. Signposted and attractive paths and cycle routes cross the town and lead into the country; the riverside walk is popular and the footbridge across the confluence of Exe and Lowman links to the Exe Valley Way. Sustainable tourism has increased, with visitors exploring local shops and historic places including the Canal, the Museum, Knightshayes Court and the surrounding area.

Residents benefit from a wide range of sports and recreation opportunities, and extensive participation in the arts completes the picture of a flourishing town and parish.

The Plan’s Objectives


Housing development in the parish contributes to addressing locally evidenced housing need.


All developments are of high quality – in terms of the use of sustainable materials and maximising energy efficiency – and reflect local character in terms of building style and materials.


Existing homes are improved in energy efficiency by supporting refurbishment. Changes required to bring empty homes back into use are allowed.


The historic and architecturally interesting built environment is conserved and enhanced for future generations, taking opportunities to enable it to be better understood and appreciated.


The biodiversity of the rural environment and open spaces within the parish are conserved and enhanced, giving opportunities for sustainable rural employment, recreational enjoyment and carbon Tree planting, food production for the local market and rural crafts are actively encouraged and supported. Land based activities are carbon neutral by 2030.


Ensuring that the provision of community infrastructure and local facilities is adequate to address the needs and aspirations of existing and future residents in the transition to a zero-carbon economy.


Opportunities for community renewable energy generation using natural resources in the area are strongly supported and encouraged.


The use of public transport (including electric buses), electric vehicles, cycling and walking are prioritised over conventional car use. There is a safe environment for pedestrians and cyclists and public transport is effectively connected to ensure free movement.


Employment opportunities are enhanced by improved infrastructure, universal mobile and fast broadband connectivity and a sustainable economy. The thriving town centre has an important role and the buildings there are fully used.

We have divided the work into different topics supported by cross-cutting themes, which will each contribute to delivering the objectives.

The Plan’s Topics and Themes

  • Housing– setting out the type of housing we need to address local need.

  • Design and Heritage– encouraging high quality design that minimises its impact on the environment. We also want to conserve Tiverton’s special character and its heritage.

  • Natural Environment– protecting the rural nature of Tiverton for the enjoyment of our residents and also safeguarding vital habitats for wildlife.

  • Community Facilities– making sure that the facilities we have meet the needs of the people of Tiverton.

  • Transport and Movement– encouraging more walking and cycling locally and developing new routes.

  • Tourism and the Wider Economy– improving our town centre and providing the facilities and activities that will attract visitors to the area.

A group of volunteers has been exploring each topic area to work out what the priorities are and how these can be addressed by the Plan.

Nothing is set in stone! Everyone will have a chance to comment on the draft Plan once it’s ready, but if you would like to get involved before then, please do Contact Us.(archived content)

 Cross Cutting Themes

There are some overarching principles that we feel are so important for Tiverton that we have decided to ensure that every policy in the Plan meets at least one of them. The principles are that development must:

  • Contribute towards the mitigation of climate change and promote the benefits of sustainable living.

  • Ensure accessibility for those with physical or mental conditions that limit a person’s movements, senses, or activities.

  • Provide opportunities for the enrichment of wellbeing and healthy living.

  • Conserve the natural and historic environment, providing greater opportunities for its enjoyment and understanding.

Purpose of Neighbourhood Plans and their Context


In 2011, an important piece of legislation was put in place called the Localism Act and this gave local people new rights to have a say in the development of their villages, towns and parishes.

Neighbourhood Plans are documents that are written by the community to set out the vision for an area and the planning policies for the use and development of land within that area. The policies will be used to determine future planning applications in Tiverton.

In Tiverton, these policies will support the strategic policies contained in the Mid-Devon Local Plan.

Neighbourhood Plans can cover a variety of topics such as where new housing should be built and what sort of housing it should be, whether there are any local facilities, such as playgrounds or sports centres that are needed and how existing and new businesses can be supported. The Neighbourhood Plan can also be used to protect and safeguard what is special about an area. For example, if there are areas of green space that are felt to be important for recreation or wildlife, for instance, we can protect these from development in the Plan. Equally, if there are examples of important heritage assets that are not currently listed, we can protect these from development that might otherwise mean they are lost forever. An example of a lack of listing is the Town Leat.

The Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan will not just stand alone. It has to conform to the National Planning Policy Framework, which sets out broad, high-level strategic planning policies at the country-wide level.

In addition, once ‘made’, it will form part of the Tiverton Development Plan. This is a suite of documents including the Mid-Devon Local Plan and the emerging Greater Exeter Plan as well as other planning documents. Collectively, they are used to determine any planning applications that come into the area.

At present, Mid-Devon is in the middle of updating its Local Plan. Therefore, the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan will need to conform not only to the existing document, but also bear in mind the emerging policies. You can find out more about that process here.

A further piece of work that is relevant to our Neighbourhood Plan is the ongoing Tiverton Town Centre Masterplan. We do not want to duplicate this work, but we will consider if there is anything that we can include in our Plan that will help to deliver the vision for the town centre.

For more information about Neighbourhood Planning, including links to other plans, we would recommend having a look at the Locality website. This is the government funded organisation that has responsibility for supporting neighbourhood plans across the country.

Design Guidance

There is existing Mid-Devon District Council design guidance for windows and doors, and roofs and chimneys.

There are further Mid-Devon District Council initiatives on design guidance:

Also relevant is a Knightshayes Setting Study, which, amongst other things, covers the important views of and from Knightshayes.

Additionally, design guidance has been worked-up by our consultants AECOM, funded by Government grant. This has been delivered . It takes account of existing and proposed design guidance and goes into more detail of some aspects. See the full report in the Documents section.